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April 2021 (3 Weeks not in full time)


Project description

 Tourisk is a game made from the GG-Week , a  Game jam. We have two contraints to fulfill : 

- We add the theme "Adventure"


-  We need to make a game with a alternative controller .Tourisk is a game where you play with a Button that can activate and disable trap (On/Off) and a lever that can elevate and lowering specific plateform.


Your goal try to go the furthest possible without getting catched by the mummy.


Meet Gunter! This thieving adventurer is addicted to travelling to the other side of the world. Foreign cultures, foods and landscapes hold no secrets for him.

Until now, Gunter was content to bring back trinkets such as key rings and specialties with dubious tastes.

Armed with his big stomach, this crazy tourist brings back more and more problematic souvenirs and sunburns with each trip!

This time it's too much! Gunter takes on ancient Egypt.

During his adventure our tourist will understand that mummies are not to be trifled with.



















My role on the project


I was Game Designer. My tasks were: 


- Find a Controller that will fit our game.


- Creation of Game Design document.


- Research SFX for the game.








Additional images

2023-01-22 15-57-11 (
2023-01-22 15-57-11 ( (2) (1).gif
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